Hi all, This Blog is an English archive of my PhD experience in Imperial College London, mainly logging my research and working process, as well as some visual records.

Friday 19 October 2007

Timetable II

Autumn 2007

MSc Advanced Computing (Weeks 2 - 11)

Week 2 start date: Monday 8 October, 2007

Date Published: 19 October 2007

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
0900 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
LEC (2-10) / jnm (2-10),sue (2-10) / 311
Modal and Temporal Logic
LEC (2-10) / imh (2-10),mjs (2-10) / 144
Commemoration Day (No Teaching Week 4 - 24.10.07)
Wks (4-4) / None (4-4) /

Intelligent Data and Probabilistic Inference
LEC (2-10) / dfg (2-10) / 145
Advanced Issues in Object Oriented Programming
LEC (2-10) / scd (2-10) / 145
Network Security
LEC (2-10) / ecl1 (2-10),mrh (2-10) / 308
1000 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
TUT (2-10) / jnm (2-10),sue (2-10) / 311

Laboratory Prolog
LAB (2-10) / nr600 (2-10) / 202,206

Intelligent Data and Probabilistic Inference
LEC (11-11) / dfg (11-11) / 308
Modal and Temporal Logic
TUT (2-10) / imh (2-10),mjs (2-10) / 144
Commemoration Day (No Teaching Week 4 - 24.10.07)
Wks (4-4) / None (4-4) /

Intelligent Data and Probabilistic Inference
LEC (2-10) / dfg (2-10) / 308
Advanced Issues in Object Oriented Programming
TUT (2-10) / scd (2-10) / 145
Lexus Preperation
Wks (11-11) / nr600 (11-11) / 202,206

Network Security
TUT (2-10) / ecl1 (2-10),mrh (2-10) / 308
1100 Laboratory Prolog
LAB (2-10) / nr600 (2-10) / 202,206

Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
LEC (2-10) / jnm (2-10),sue (2-10) / 311

Intelligent Data and Probabilistic Inference
LEC (11-11) / dfg (11-11) / 308

Lexus Preperation
Wks (5-5) / nr600 (5-5) / 202,206
Models of Concurrent Computation
LEC (2-10) / dirk (2-10),pg (2-10) / 145
Commemoration Day (No Teaching Week 4 - 24.10.07)
Wks (4-4) / None (4-4) /

Laboratory Prolog
LAB (2-10) / nr600 (2-10) / 202,206

Intelligent Data and Probabilistic Inference
TUT (2-10) / dfg (2-10) / 344
Machine Learning
LAB (2-10) / maja (2-10),shm (2-10) / 219

Computing for Optimal Decisions
LEC (2-10) / br (2-10) / 145
Machine Learning
LAB (2-10) / maja (2-10),shm (2-10) / 219

Lexis Prolog
LAB (11-11) / nr600 (11-11) / 202,206

Modal and Temporal Logic
LEC (2-10) / imh (2-10),mjs (2-10) / 144
1200 Laboratory Workshop (MAC & MSc CS in depth pathway)
LEC (2-11) / nr600 (2-11) / 311

Lexis Prolog
LAB (5-5) / nr600 (5-5) / 202,206

Intelligent Data and Probabilistic Inference
TUT (11-11) / dfg (11-11) / 308
Prolog Support Lectures
LEC (2-10) / cjh (2-10),klc (2-10) / 144
Commemoration Day (No Teaching Week 4 - 24.10.07)
Wks (4-4) / None (4-4) /

Laboratory Prolog
LAB (2-10) / nr600 (2-10) / 202,206
Machine Learning Alternative Lab
LAB (2-10) / maja (2-10),shm (2-10) / 219
Machine Learning Alternative Lab
LAB (2-10) / maja (2-10),shm (2-10) / 219

Lexis Prolog
LAB (11-11) / nr600 (11-11) / 202,206
1300 Lexis Prolog
LAB (5-5) / nr600 (5-5) / 202,206

1400 Advanced Issues in Object Oriented Programming
LEC (2-10) / scd (2-10) / 144
Network Security
LEC (2-10) / ecl1 (2-10),mrh (2-10) / 144

Automated Reasoning
LEC (2-10) / kb (2-10) / 145
Automated Reasoning
LEC (2-10) / kb (2-10) / 144
Models of Concurrent Computation
TUT (2-10) / dirk (2-10),pg (2-10) / 145

Computer Vision
LEC (2-10) / gzy (2-10) / 144
Automated Reasoning
TUT (2-10) / kb (2-10) / 144
1600 Machine Learning
LEC (2-10) / maja (2-10),shm (2-10) / 311
Models of Concurrent Computation
LEC (2-10) / dirk (2-10),pg (2-10) / 145

Computer Vision
TUT (2-10) / gzy (2-10) / 144
Computing for Optimal Decisions
LEC (2-10) / br (2-10) / 145
1700 Machine Learning
LEC (2-10) / maja (2-10),shm (2-10) / 311
Project Lecture
LEC (8-8) / / 308

Computer Vision
LEC (2-10) / gzy (2-10) / 144
Computing for Optimal Decisions
TUT (2-10) / br (2-10) / 145

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