Hi all, This Blog is an English archive of my PhD experience in Imperial College London, mainly logging my research and working process, as well as some visual records.

Thursday 15 May 2008

Autoregressive Moving-Average Process

An n-dimensional autoregressive moving-average process of orders p and q, ARMA(p,q), is a stochastic process of the form


where a is an n-dimensional vector, the and are nn matrices, and W is n-dimensional white noise (see the notation conventions documentation). As the name suggests, this combines an AR(p) model with an MA(q) model of the same dimension n. In applications, ARMA(1,1) processes are common.

Exhibit 1 indicates a realization of the univariate ARMA(1,1) process


where W is variance 1 Gaussian white noise.

ARMA Process
Exhibit 1

A realization of the ARMA(1,1) process [2].


Below are indicated a realization of 50 consecutive terms of a variance 1 Gaussian white noise.

0.293 0.317 0.047 -0.286 -1.237
-0.554 0.535 -1.640 -0.899 -0.704
-1.886 0.271 0.418 1.651 0.078
0.528 1.013 2.296 0.086 1.471
-0.580 -1.776 -2.217 0.502 -1.104
-1.211 0.205 0.110 0.011 0.778
-1.036 1.195 -1.169 -0.162 -0.504
-0.679 -1.366 0.885 -0.476 1.644
-1.665 0.129 2.882 0.978 0.054
-0.396 0.685 1.403 -0.009 0.918

Realization of 50 consecutive terms of a variance 1 Gaussian white noise.

Use this to generate a corresponding realization of the ARMA(1,1) process


where tW is a variance 1 Gaussian white noise. Initialize the realization with term 0x = 0. [spreadsheet solution]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
